Diamante-Butterfly Distribution moves from California to Franklin
The Butterfly Group, seeking to centralize record company and distribution operations, has moved its Diamante-Butterfly Distribution from Newport Beach, Calif. to Franklin.
“Moving our distribution and sales force to Nashville has been the most important decision we’ve made as a company,” says Michael Rinaldi, managing partner of the Butterfly Group. “As the Butterfly Group launched and grew quickly over the past year, the realization of the need to be headquartered in Nashville became apparent. We’re blessed to have a facility that brings our entire staff together, and we look forward to what God has in store for the Butterfly Group.”
In Franklin, Bill Conine, president of Diamante-Butterfly Distribution, will oversee distribution operations and report to the Butterfly Group’s managing partners. Bob Carlisle, a managing partner at the Butterfly Group, will oversee the company’s Las Vegas recording studio and maintain an office in Franklin.
“Diamante-Butterfly’s role as one of the strongest independent Christian-owned international distributors is vital to the growth of the Christian music industry and for the new artists and ministries that emerge through our company,” Conine says. “Although a decade of work at 1000 Quail Street has come to an end, the future for Diamante-Butterfly Distribution in Nashville is limitless. Our sales team will now be located in the heart of the Christian music industry, and we look forward to the many new opportunities this will bring. Not only will we have the advantage of casting vision alongside the Butterfly Group’s labels, but we will continue to expand our horizons as a distributor, seeking partnerships with entities that share our unchanging desire to spread the Gospel through Christian music.”
The company has also merged its Las Vegas office into the new headquarters, combining the staff of Christian Records, Gospel One Records, Flying Leap Records and Butterfly Kids with the company’s distribution arm and sales force.