Syntax Records Is Going To Russia - Syntax Records

Syntax Records Is Going To Russia

To Whom It May Concern,

We would like to share with you an exciting upcoming opportunity for Syntax Records. Maxim Borovikov the director of Youth Ministry for Youth For Christ in St. Petersburg, Russia has requested for us to utilize our gifts, talents, and passion for Hip Hop as a tool to engage people in the presentation of the Gospel. Maxim stated that Hip Hop has become the language of the Russian Youth, and we were not surprised to hear this since CNN and other credible news outlets have been reporting Hip Hop as “Global Culture” since 2001.

We have chosen to send three (3) people from our team on this initial trip, and have plans to return on an annual basis, increasing the amount of people who go each year. Perhaps you will be on one of the future trips!

In addition to serving Youth For Christ, we will also be serving Youth With A Mission and The Salvation Army while in Russia. Something we are looking forward to during our time out there will be attending and performing at the Prishestvie Festival which is the largest Christian Music festival in all of Russia. This also serves as an excellent outreach platform in which we will be inviting everyone we come into contact with while out there.

We are in great need of your prayer. Please begin praying for us now and throughout the dates of our trip. Our trip will be from November 16th through 23rd 2009, and we will be leaving from San Diego, CA.

If you feel led to support us in financially read on, if you do not please skip the following paragraph.

We have estimated this trip to cost around $3000 per person, for a grand total of $9,000. We understand times are hard for everyone right now, so we wanted to sweeten the deal with a fun and unique way to engage you in this trip. For every 10$ you send, we will send you a Syntax CD of your choice, and Syntax will match that CD and send it to Maxim in Russia to be given away while we are there as well as long after we are gone.

So… instead of giving us money for a plane ticket (boring!), you are buying CD’s for yourself, AND for your Russian neighbors! For the sake of clarity, we are not getting paid to travel or perform, and will not be selling merchandise while we are there. Please make your donation payable to “Syntax Records” and put “Russia” in the memo area and mail it to the address below.

For those of you who skipped the previous paragraph, welcome back!

Thank you so much for co-laboring with us on this wonderful journey. We covet your prayers deeply as we take on this mammoth task and journey well out of our comfort zones.

Timothy J. Trudeau – President
Jeremiah Bonds – Artist / Customer Development
Jason “Propaganda” Petty – Artist