USA Today Calls Rocdomz “Cutting Edge”
USA Today gave the Tonex album O2 3 out of 4 stars and specifically pin pointed the rocdomz produced “Dancin In The Son” as innovative.
About o2:
In a world of confusion jam-packed with negativity and immorality what is desperately needed is a breath of fresh air – a double dose of oxygen, something maybe like … O2. Enter in Tonex – music’s multi-genre, multi-talented breath of fresh air.
First introduced to the world on the avant-garde album ‘Pronounced Toe-Nay’, Tonex created a fervor with his eclectic styles and secular flair that both pushed boundaries and opened doors. Prior to its release, however, Tonex had to deal with potential career-ending issues, all before his first album hit the shelves.
“When it came time to finally release ‘Pronounced Toe-Nay’, I had all these different elements pulling me in crazy directions,” Tonex said. “I felt like I had to prove something. Now, I feel much freer and happier …it’s a much brighter time for me.”