Syntax Records Continues To Give Away Money - Syntax Records

Syntax Records Continues To Give Away Money

To be perfectly honest, we don’t have millions of dollars. We do however have a bag of million dollar ideas… and a roster full of million dollar talent. You do the math. By the way, when you are done calculating, you’ll find out that there is no loss. We have put prizes and/or cash into the hands of 50 winners this year alone. We at Syntax Records continue to quietly take the lead in industry trends whether it is musically or even businesscally. Enter our Night Owls 4 giveaway in 4 easy steps:

  1. Change your profile picture on your MySpace page to the Night Owls 4 Contest Graphic (see here). Night Owls must remain your profile picture for the duration of the contest to avoid disqualification.
  2. Add the Night Owls profile to your “Top Friends” section on your MySpace page. Night Owls must remain in your “Top Friends” for the duration of the contest to avoid disqualification.
  3. Post a “comment” on the Night Owls page.
  4. Send an e-mail with the subject “Night Owls 4 Contest” to us including the following:
    • Name:
    • Address:
    • Date of Birth*:
    • MySpace URL:
    • The e-mail address you use to login to your MySpace

*Minors must also include the name of the parent or legal guardian that gave them permission to enter the drawing and will be receiving the prize on their behalf should their name be drawn as one of the winners.